Infrastructures and Superstructures; with more than 14 years of experince in the conscious path to identify those elements as a whole, endowment or services necessary for the correct functioning of a country, region, city or any organization, it is through such a vision we transcend. What if? ... it is possible to make up for a deficit in equipment or the lack of natural resources; develop competitive advantages and productive specialization according to the processes and parameters of an industrial organization and globalization as determined, through the Design, Construction or Strategic Maintenance of super transport structures and commercial exchange nodes; such as Roads, Ports, Railways or Airports?
It is our Mission, to identify, propose and guide our clients to qualify and quantify the factors that determine the growth of the economies of the countries, increase income levels per capita, expand opportunities for their populations and provide country leaders, important formulation tools economic or international reforms and offerr to managers the necessary clues to make strategic investment decisions for a balanced and sustainable progress represented in CAPEX and OPEX costs and quantified in Net Present Value NPV, internal rate of return IRR and return on net assets RONA
MSc. Ing, Fernando M. Colmegna
CEO, Polaris Ingeniería
Pavement Infrastructure Services
As nodes of a network between communal, provincial, regional economies or as a country's installed capacity, based on architectural design or for development purposes, the level of road management allows to permanently evaluate the conditions of the infrastructure, predict its future, study its pathologies and recommend actions for their preservation or execution, identifying; the beginning or the progression of the deterioration of routes, highways, roads or accesses; decide the best moment of investment, measured, convenient and effective through efficient and technically viable forms of financial or economic resources for their conservation, through management processes such as Planning, Programming, Preparation and Operation, whether this is a Rigid or Flexible Pavements.
Railway Infrastructure Services
The paradigms have changed exponentially and many functionalities and efforts have been redirected towards a responsible and massive transport of loads, which is presented as a saving structure, logistical stability of production and energy efficiency, preventing the premature deterioration of roads and other means of transport, fuel cost savings per ton transported have servedng as pillars for the productive development of a country, rail transport, its layout, its time and cargo utility, as well as the development of population economies are attributable to the aforementioned infrastructure allowing an efficient administration, management and development in innovation through maglev trains or super fast trains.
Port and Access Infrastructure Services
Our globalized world has allowed the development of ports and their accesses, soon as we can understand that being part of the sovereignty of a country the development of controlled fishing of our continental shelf, the growth of aquaculture, exploration on the high seas and other forms progress, such as investment in cargo logistics nodes
determine the expansion, without forgetting that all the improvements in our production chain will be highly increased through efficient port transportation, making known to the world our advances in products, ensuring that commitments are met.
That is why the systematic and recurrent analysis of the waterways, through evaluative judgment committees that allow the study of their design, construction and maintenance processes for structural growth purposes, allow the business units that today have the States reach satisfied customers all over the world as well as the needs of the owners, operators of boats and loading and unloading terminals, assistance to boats, depth of draft, multiple accesses allow with the purpose of obtaining more sustainable ports beyond time.
Airports Infrastructure Services
Present as a node of national and international economic exchange and social development, airport growth has marked an upward trend, allowing the creation of ambitious investment programs and environmentally friendly management. The economic expansion as we know it has allowed the latest advances in legislation to allow flexibility in the development and maintenance of the infrastructure, allowing a fair value per dollar to be obtained according to the growth plans of a country, without forgetting that the fixed assets of any Whatever your role of superstructures, provide financial stability.
Engineering services for the Industry;
Química Petroquímica, Oíl & Gas, have set the dreams of providing quality services for the expansion of commodities, performing basic and Detailed Engineering, determining the progress since 2005 when a teenager agrees to be responsible for their actions to the world, Since its first repairs of aeronautical gyroscopes in the Central Aeronaval Workshop, moving through the development of commercial cabling and conditioning 24-inch pipes for oil and gas pipelines, the calculation, design and construction of titanium anode desoldering irons for the Solvay Indupa company, Granulated Urea dehydrators Profertil SA and acting as a specialized instrumentalist, whose obligations were settled between his own responsibilities and those of his Squad.
Second in Chief of Laboratory for the Petrobras Argentina company located in Bahía Blanca, graduated and trained creates Polaris Ingeniería, a consulting company that provides detailed engineering services, knowing the necessary infrastructure fields for the productive development of our country, TGS, TGN, DOW & DOS Agroscience, Pan American Energy, Crude Batteries for Sinopec, Mining companies such as COEUR in the south of our country among others, with a presence in international quotations and projects through strategic partners with destination in Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Chile, Australia and Mexico. New challenges are found on the back of the page and always as with the first impulse we decide and bet to know work procedures in the most industrialized countries in infrastructure, through Master's we have been taught that it is necessary to study Master Plans of Strategic implantation at the Country, Region, Municipality and World level, without further ado, I extend our deepest gratitude to all those who drive the progress of our land kind regards.
BIM Method Services
The BIM Method is a process developed and widely disseminated throughout the Globe, to produce, manage and execute major infrastructure projects ensuring acceptable times in the design, construction and maintenance phases. The BIM network is enriched by authors such as Bentley and Autodesk through their proposal of collaborative technology, geodetic data and structural profiling executed through, for example, the subassembly composer, Recap and others.
Lidar services
Linear conformation infrastructures such as roads, railways, pipelines for fluid transport, runways for take-off and landing, port accesses and others allow the development through Lidar technologies of topographic survey by drones, thus obtaining a mapping of all the area involved with precision and accuracy required internationally, it is for this reason that when executing the development of the superstructure design it is of utmost importance to allow new tools to facilitate the execution to obtain a manipulable model according to standards recognized by Banks and funds of Investment or for the governmental reconstruction of a country.
Our services
- Valuation Judgments through Experts
- Infrastructure Maintenance Plans.
- Government Transport Restructuring Plans
- Master Plans Horizon 20 years
- Plans and Trends in Infrastructure management
- Financial Plans Horizon 7 years
- Linear Infrastructure Development
- Development of Special Infrastructures.
- Basic engineering
- Detail Engineering
- Lidar - Topographic - Bathymetric Geodetic Surveys
- Building Information Modeling BIM method
- Presentation of Leadership Files PM4R
- Virtual Meetings
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Bahía Blanca - Central Base
Los Sauces 1450
+54 9 291-472-2764
+54 9 11-6392-4382
08:00hs - 17:00hs
Añelo Neuquen - Operating Base
RN N° 7 & Esq. Calle 14
+54 9 299 402-7793
+54 9 291-472-2764
08:00hs - 17:00hs
Ituzaingó, Bs.As. - Operating Base
Ing Quartino 2176
+54 9 291-472-2764
+54 9 11-6392-4382
08:00hs - 17:00hs